Letting in the light!

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I adore all things Autumn, but as the days seem to grow shorter this time of year, daylight becomes very precious.

We as humans are happier and healthier when we enjoy a generous amount of natural light in our daily routine. Since we are so affected by the daylight, due to our natural circadian rhythm, it seems prudent to consider ways to improve this in our homes and workspaces. Here are a few ways to do so ~

  • Add to or enlarge windows in the building. This can be a wonderful architectural feature, but is costly and may require a builder and/or architect’s help.

  • Similarly, adding a skylight or two can improve the daylight greatly, but may also require professional help.  This may not be an option depending upon your existing conditions.

  • I have had great success adding a sun tunnel in darker corners of a space, particularly in windowless hallways, restrooms, and walk-in closets.  These can be less expensive than new windows and really add a wonderful amount of daylight in windowless areas. See image 1 below.

  • Adding a transom or sidelight to your doors can help to transmit daylight across the space. Even replacing your front door with one that has a small window insert makes a big difference. See image 2 below.

  • An easier (and cheaper) way to let in light is to remove heavy drapery or window treatment that has seen better days. Cut away over grown trees and bushes near your windows to let in the light.

  • In a pinch, there are “daylight” bulbs and special lights you can purchase that emit a feeling of daylight if you cannot use any of these other options.

  • Don’t forget that lighter wall paints and furnishings affect the overall light reflection in a room. Take that old dark piece of furniture or wall paint you’ve never liked anyway and exchange it with something fresh and new!

Please enjoy the coziness of the Autumn season outside and inside as often as you can, because nothing beats that natural sunshine!

Image 1 Sun Tunnel

Image 1 Sun Tunnel

Image 2 Transom

Image 2 Transom